Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Hello world

Papa and son

A visit from Aunt Squishy

Joey photos by Mommy


Joey pooped his first poop!

Joey & his parents

Joey pics

19.5 inches (.5 more than his big sister)

... and he's latched

proud daddy magic

just the fellas

January 31, 7:56 AM

Joseph Oliver W
5lb 15.4oz

Healthy Baby and Mommy!

status update

jen is have steady and close surges and singing the 1,2,3,4,5..11,12 song from seseme street as the come on. all is well.

proud daddy magic

Feeling contractions

5 cm dilated. Starting to feel contractions.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Didn't sleep for long

Slept maybe 5 minutes here and there. Hard to sleep with all that is going on. I might try again to sleep or at least rest on my side after I meet the night nurse who is expected to come in momentarily while pm shift nurse gives report.

Jen is sleeping

proud daddy magic

Pitocin begins!

Foley bulb just came out

dilated 3 or 4 cm

proud daddy magic

Induction to yoga

Always a blogger

About to be induced

We got to L & D at 1:50 pm. The doctor at the hospital checked fluid level and said it was between 2 and 2.5, and they recommend induction. Will probably start with a foley bulb, just like my labor with Juni. (see the blog entries from April 2008 for more about how the induction went that time). The doctor saw some amniotic fluid that had umbillical cord in it, so it doesn't count in the measurement if it has cord in it. They said the same thing at the clinic this morning and last Thursday. They found pockets of fluid with cord in it and so couldn't measure that part. The doctor here was really nice and clear/descriptive about what's going on and what she found. She said my cervix is 1.5 cm and 50% thinned.

Juni is with her grandparents. I stopped by her school earlier today to tell her they would pick her up and that Joey is coming soon. She said she is excited.

An added circumstance is that the hospital employees are planning a strike tomorrow! It will start at 7:00 am Tuesday morning and go until 7:00 am Wednesday. The doctors will not be striking, only some of the nurses. So they are bringing in extra doctors, and some of the nurses are not honoring the strike and so will be here anyway. There will be no scheduled procedures tomorrow so they can focus on emergency situations like mine. The cafeteria will be closed as well. (I'm assuming they will still be feeding the patients, though.). Luckily we brought some snacks.

At the hospital

The NST this morning in the San Rafael OBGYN doctor's office showed low amniotic fluid. Less than 2. So they sent me to the hospital. We are on the L & D floor now, in a waiting room waiting to be seen. They will assess the fluid level again and might induce me today. Bob is with me. I'll give updates to blog as I am able. Or Bob will.

Saturday, January 28, 2012


picture by Juniper Joy

2 days past my due date

Here are some belly pictures we took today on our walk after breakfast. Last night I woke up at 2 am to go to the bathroom and never was able to fall back to sleep. So I got up and watched 2 movies. Then when Bob and Juni woke up we went out for breakfast. (I was very hungry after being up for so long.) On our way back to the car I ran into my midwife who was going to eat at the same restaurant we went to. Syncronicity ~ I feel reassured that things are happening as they should and all is well. The time spent in the sunshine with this remarkably beautiful weather (in January!) was helpful, too.

Marin walk

On a walk in Kentfield/Ross this morning. Incase we forgot that we are in Marin, this sign about the organically maintained path was a reminder.

Any day now

Friday, January 27, 2012

Induction date

I got an email this morning scheduling me for induction next Friday, February 3, 2012. Anything could happen before then, of course, but it is exciting to have it scheduled.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

40 weeks

Today was my due date. I am not surprised that I feel absolutely no signs of labor. I had the first non-stress test of this pregnancy today. The fetal activity was good, and heart accelerations appeared to be normal. They said the heart rate strip was beautiful and that he's healthy. They checked the amniotic fluid level, and at first was unable to find enough pockets of fluid to measure. The nurse doing the ultrasound for the measurement was being coached by another nurse. I doubted her competence and she didn't seem very confident in what she was doing. They said since they didn't find enough fluid I could drink some water and they'd try again after 20 or 30 minutes. When the same woman was about to do the ultrasound to repeat the fluid level check, I asked if the seemingly more experienced nurse could do it. They were happy to switch. She seemed very confident and competent and found the fluid pockets in less than half the time that the other woman spent looking. I wasn't told an exact number, but I know it was more than 7. Less than 7 and they repeat the next day. Less than 5 and you are sent to the hospital. The midwife said she thought it was 9 or 10. She told me to drink a lot of fluids. I thought I had been, but now I realize I can drink more. I go back for another NST/amniotic fluid level test on Monday. The midwife also said she'd like to see me induced at 41 weeks (if labor doesn't start on its own). She called the hospital to schedule an induction for next Wednesday or Thursday, but was told to call back because the scheduling book was in use or something. She said she'd call them later in the day and call me in the afternoon, but I never heard from her. I'm pretty sure she's off on Fridays so I will have to wait until Monday when I see her for my appointment.

Juniper has a cold and so can't go to school. She went with me to my appointment today. It was over 1.5 hours long. Juni watched a Curious George movie on my phone while I was being monitored.

Last night I went on a tour of the hospital in San Francisco. I went by myself, although I'd wanted Bob to go with me. He needed to stay home with Juni since she's sick. We didn't want her to spread her cold to anyone else who otherwise would have watched her for us. The labor & delivery unit was very full, and so the tour was unable to see one of the patient rooms. The post-partum unit was pretty full, too. We were able to see a double room but not one of the private rooms there. I was unhappy with the tour for a few reasons that I won't explain here. At least I was able to learn where the parking garage is and how to get to the L & D unit for when it is time to go there.


we built a flower powered truck

Sunday, January 22, 2012


"Two cows hug each other" by Juni

Saturday, January 21, 2012

How to get Daddy to shave

Juni kissed me four times on the cheek, rubbed my check with her hand and said "tommorow can you take the fur off your face?"

Thursday, January 19, 2012

39 weeks pregnant

I'm 39 weeks pregnant with baby boy, "Joey". I went to OB/GYN today and was told my cervix is dilated 1 cm and 80% effaced. Which could mean nothing, or could mean I will go into labor any day now. I have my first NST (non-stress test) scheduled for next week. That is where they look at the baby's heart rate in relation to his movements, and they measure the amniotic fluid level. If I make it to 41 weeks still pregnant, I will be induced. I will be 41 weeks on February 2nd. I have some friends hoping I will go into labor soon--like Monday or Tuesday. But I will be very surprised if labor starts in the next week because Juniper was induced at 9 days late and I don't FEEL any signs that it will be happening soon. Though I have been more emotional the last few days. My OB midwife said that could be a sign. We'll see! I'll keep you posted.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Monday, January 2, 2012


We hiked the Tennessee Valley trail to the beach today. Juni did some rock climbing!

Sunday, January 1, 2012