Friday, November 16, 2007

18 weeks

I'm starting to feel big. 140 pounds now, and there's no longer the option of hiding my belly unless I'm wearing a coat. I think the picture above captures it well. And I posted the one below to be in line with the pose I've been holding in all the pictures so far.

Today I had a check-up with a midwife. It was brief and she was pleased with how everything seems to be going. Everything is normal. The most exciting part was when they gave me my appointment for the anatomy scan ultrasound, which is on Monday. The gender will most likely be distinguishable, and they will let me know right away.

I came down with a cold on Saturday. I've been suffering with a head cold all week. However, I'm still so pleased that the morning sickness is gone, that my mood has been good.

Stay tuned to find out the gender!

1 comment:

lorigirl said...

It's Wednesday!!! Is it a girl or a boy...or both? :-)