Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter '08

Here's Bob and me on Easter Sunday. Dr. Don took this picture of us before we sat down for lunch with family in Oakland. The weather was warm and sunny -- such a beautiful day!

On our drive back to the city, the traffic to the bridge was backed up pretty far, so we exited the freeway instead of sitting in the traffic. We drove to Berkeley and went to the movie theater. We saw "Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day," which was pretty good. It was slow in the beginning, but I was loving it by the end. Now we are back at home and taking it easy. We are still recovering from colds and enjoying quiet time together at home.

Hope you all enjoyed your Easter Sunday!


lorigirl said...

Happy day after Easter, Jen! Wow, just a few more weeks until we get to meet Juniper. Hooray!

Anonymous said...

Good job jen, I am so happy for you and Bob. Thanks for the blog. hopefully I see three of you in few weeks. much Love Uncle Al