Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Born 1:21 pm and in perfect shape

Juniper Joy W.
Born April 29, 2008 at 1:21 pm

Vaginal birth! No pain meds, induced with Pitocin.

Regular intense contractions started at 6:30 am this morning. The induction was started 8 pm last night. It went smoothly. I labored some and pushed (more like my body pushed without my control) in the warm labor tub of water. Then climbed out of the tub, and pushed Juni out while kneeling on a mattress on the floor. Bob caught the baby himself, coached by the midwife Emily. Juni was put on my chest right away. She latched on within half an hour. She's a great sucker! The placenta was born pretty quickly without complications. The baby's Apgar score was 9 at 1 minute and 9 at 5 minutes (A+). She cried pretty quickly and let us all hear her beautiful voice for a bit. Bob got some skin to skin contact, too, pretty soon after the birth while I pushed the placenta out.

We are so grateful. We are blessed.


lorigirl said...

HOORAY!!! I'm so happy for you three!!! Now I can quit hitting the refresh button on my computer. :-D


lorigirl said...

P.S. You both look beautiful.

Kate Lee Short said...

Whooo Hooo! Congratulations to all three of you! My mom even cried! I love you!

ebeth said...

Yeah! Great job Jen and Bob!

Kristin said...

YAY! I am so happy for all of you! What a beautiful picture! Love, K

Char said...

J'Faith and Bob,
Congratulations! She really is perfect. Jen I love the look on your face in this picture. It really says it all!
Love, C'Maine