Here's a picture of me wearing a sleeping Juni in our Parents of Invention Ultimate Baby Wrap. Similar to the Baby Bjorn, this carrier is more comfortable than the Kangaroo Korner pouch-sling now that she weighs over 10 lbs, because the baby's weight is more evenly distributed. I still love the Kangaroo pouch for short distance outings, or to keep her covered, warm and snug while out at a restaurant. But the ones we have are fleece and since the weather got warmer this week I was motivated to try out other carriers. Funny thing is that we have yet to push her in a stroller! So that will be a first for her whenever it happens. She's sleeping now in the Ultimate Baby Wrap (which is pretty much the same thing as the popular Moby Wrap), and I'm able to do some chores and fun tasks like these photos and this blog entry!
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