Monday, July 28, 2008

Music lessons

We are teaching Juni how to hold the wooden rattle. Bob was showing her how to shake it to a steady beat, and he took these pictures. If you noticed in the top picture that her mouth looks a little pouty, it is only because she was quite irritable today. With good reason! Vaccination shots in her thighs were hurting her, and she was not feeling well all afternoon. We gave her an ice pack on her thigh, some infant Tylenol (cherry flavor--her first taste of sugar), and lots of love, white noise and cuddling. Now she's sleeping soundly (she went to bed at 7 pm tonight, which is on the early side of her norm).

As for that experiment I mentioned on Thursday... I chickened out. I have yet to try to put her down for the night in the Sleep Sack. We are continuing to swaddle her at night for now.

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