Juni is 15 weeks old today. Last night for the first time she slept with her bassinet disconnected from our bed. We raised the side bar of the co-sleeper bassinet and moved it to the corner near the foot of our bed. We put the rocking chair in the spot where the bassinet used to be. Last night went well. When she woke up to eat I fed her and burped her while sitting in the rocking chair, and then she went back to sleep easily and stayed asleep when I put her back in the bassinet. And she was sleeping unswaddled in a sleep sack.
Previously I had been feeding her at night in a side-lying position in bed, so that I could partially sleep through it. However, lately neither of us would be able to go into a very deep sleep, and then when I'd finally wake up enough to move her back to her bassinet, often I would wake her up in the transfer. It wasn't working out that way any more (when she was younger she slept through the transfer better), and also I wasn't burping her since I fell asleep while she ate. Now I am forced to get out of bed to get her. The whole process of feeding her, burping and putting her back in her bassinet takes only 20 minutes. She's been waking up twice a night, and last night she woke up at about 2:30 am and 5 am. When she woke up for the day at about 7 or 7:30 am, she was happily chatting to her crib toy (a friendly bee). So I was able to lay in bed a bit longer while she talked with her friend the bee. Bob enjoyed seeing her so happy and just talking on and on.
That's pretty cool. What kind of noises was she making? Giggles? Short grunts? Do you know if she was holding it or just looking at it?
She makes mostly vowel sounds, like "eye" and "ooo", and she's starting to make an "L" sound, sounds like she's trying to say "I love you". The bee is hanging on the inside wall of her bassinet, so she looks at it and sometimes holds his leg. I was trying to sleep, though, so I wasn't paying much attention.
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