Juniper Joy W. ate her first solid food. Brown rice! Ground and mixed with mommy's milk. It went well. She had about a tablespoon or two. It was fun! The three of us had dinner together. Bob serenaded Juniper while I prepared the meal. Then Bob and I took a few bites of our food and let Juniper watch us as she has been doing lately. She's been fascinated with watching us take bites and chew our food. So then I gave Juniper spoonfuls of her brown rice smoothie, and although she made funny faces, she ate it and wanted more. For most bites she would push some of the food out of her mouth with her tongue, and I would spoon it back into her mouth for her. She ate all of what I had prepared for her (except for the bits that ended up on her bib, on her hands, on her face, on mommy's lap...). The little pink cup is a plastic dish that we have saved from one of our many trips to Holy Gelato!, where we frequently go for yummy vegan gelato. (They have great dairy based gelato there, too.)
Those are some fine looking cups!
Thanks you guys so much for your support!
from Holy Gelato!
I love the look on the eyebrows!
She doesn't LOOK like she's enjoying the solid food experience...Guess you had to be there!
That's the cutest series of photos!
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