Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas from Juniper JOY!

Juniper was a super star tonight at the mall. She waited in line with me for over an hour and then smiled on cue when it was her turn to have her picture taken with Santa Claus. When we got home and I got her ready for bed (way past her usual bedtime), I noticed a third tooth poking through her gums. It is on the bottom, next to the other two. I'm surprised because I heard that the top front teeth would be the next to come in. She's doing her own unique thing already, even with her teething style. I am glad to see this tooth because I feel that her cranky night time behavior is validated and explained now. I have been taking good care of her and soothing her like a good mommy when she's been waking up at night for the past week. I hope she feels better soon and that she really does have a merry Christmas.