Thursday, September 20, 2007


My belly is definitely filling out. Last week I bought my first pairs of maternity pants. Wow, are they comfy! These pants come with wide elastic/cotton waist band, no buttons or zippers, and they feel great. Any pants that have buttons or a tight elastic waist band are uncomfortable these days. So here is a picture of me, to start documenting the growth of my body. I am 9 weeks and 6 days along. Tomorrow will be 10 weeks.

As for my morning sickness, the past few weeks have been pretty severe for me. I've been nauseous, very tired and cranky. I sleep a lot at night, and still enjoy a nap at lunchtime. I didn't realize being pregnant would feel so dramatic at this point. It is as if I've had a stomach flu for a month already. Last week I had an episode in which I got sick on the street/sidewalk on my walk from the bus stop to work. How awful! I don't know if anyone saw me, but now you all know it happened.

On Sunday Bob and I went to a music festival on Treasure Island. We brought a beach towel and blanket and I spent half of the day lying on the grass while the indie rock bands played. We saw Built to Spill, M. Ward, Two Gallants and several more bands, some of which I slept through. Bob got us the tickets to celebrate our 2 year wedding anniversary, which was Sept. 17th.

On Tuesday morning I felt so sick that I wanted to stay home, but I knew that it was a busy day at work and not a good day for me to be absent, so I just went in a little late. Then yesterday (Wednesday) I did use a sick day and stayed home from work. I was able to rest all day and it was great. Now today is Thursday and I feel much more energy. I didn't feel as nauseous as usual this morning and so I practiced some mellow yoga before getting ready for work. I'm hoping that this is the beginning of the end of the morning sickness.

Next Tuesday we have our first prenatal appointment, and we are looking forward to it. Hopefully we will hear the heartbeat and get an estimated due date from the doctor.


Anonymous said...

Wow JFW, I can't believe how quickly you are (it is) showing! nice to get your vomiting updates; better out than in I say!!!

stay healthy...

empee, x

Anonymous said...

By the way, the photographer in this picture did some amazing work...and he must be REALLY cute, too.

Anonymous said...

Thanks to Jim for donating his photographing skills! ~jenfaith

ebeth said...

Nice belly : )
Sorry to hear about all of the sickness. And in a few months you´ll be cleaning up cute little baby spit up!