Thursday, May 1, 2008


I love this picture of Juniper that Bob took this morning. She'll make a great singer. This is the shirt she was wearing when we took her home from the hospital.

Today I gave Juniper her first sponge bath. It went more smoothly than I thought it would. It helped to nurse her while I washed her hair with a washcloth. It was great to see all of her perfect, tiny body parts and to clean the crevices in her tiny ears. She has ear lobes--unattached earlobes--which neither Bob nor I have so I'll have to investigate the families to see where she got those. Her ears are so pretty.

June also received her first chiropractic treatment from Dr. Hicks today. The doctor said she is in great shape. She's well aligned and has great muscle tone and strength for a 2 day old baby. Here's a picture of part of the exam/treatment with Dr. Hicks who made a house call for us today.

I also got an adjustment which felt so great! It was my favorite adjustment ever out of the 8 years I've been seeing Dr. Hicks. My body apparently has gone through a lot of stress in the past 3 days. Dr. Hicks gave me some tips for better posture while breastfeeding. Bob was able to sooth Juni while I got my treatment in the other room. Don't they look sweet together?


lorigirl said...

I just made Juniper's rocking out photo my desktop background at work.

dannys said...

Jen and Bob--
Congratulations, we're so happy for you!

Juniper is beautiful!!

Danny and Toy