Saturday, September 6, 2008

Bedtime routine

Tonight's routine went like this:

1. Bring Juni to bedroom, put her on changing pad with pacifier or giraffe toy to calm her if upset. Play relaxing lullaby music. Change into nighttime diaper and PJs.
2. Wash hands (with wet wash cloth), wash face, brush tooth and gums.
3. Put Juni in her bassinet with giraffe. Read her two books.
4. Swaddle her in blanket and move her to my lap on the yoga ball.
5. Bounce her and change the music to white noise, give pacifier as needed to help calm.
6. Give her a bottle of breastmilk. Burp.
7. Bounce with pacifier to sleep. Remove pacifier.
8. Put her in bassinet while still in light sleep, put my hands on her arms/shoulders and jiggle her gently until she settles.

Sleep! We started this routine tonight at about 7:30 and she was asleep by 8:15 pm. It is a work in progress. Tonight went well. We are happy.

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