Monday, March 31, 2008

In the window

We are 37 weeks pregnant now. Here's a picture we took yesterday during our fun photo shoot at home, to document how we look now, about a month before the baby's expected arrival.

Today Bob and I saw our chiropractor, Dr. Kristine Hicks. She felt the baby's position, which is head down, with baby's back on my left side and her feet on my right. This is the same position that she's been in for at least a month now and it is perfect.

More good news: I found out today that my GBS (Group Beta Strep) test came back negative! That's good news because if I were GBS positive, I'd be required to receive IV antibiotics during labor (I don't want that). So, yay! So far so good.

We are in the window between 37 and 42 weeks of pregnancy. That is the time frame during which most births occur. We could have our baby girl any time now, but I think it will be at the end of April. My guess is April 24th. I took a poll at the baby shower and wrote down everyone's guess for what the birthday will be. Let me know if you have a guess that you haven't told me yet. The most popular date picked at this point is April 28th. We'll see!


Ah ha! I found it! said...

Check you out!! Not a stretch in site!!

Unknown said...

hey jen, it's hollie your mom's best friend at work. lol. i want to join in Juniper's "guess day" I think she will be born on April 23rd. Good luck. I love yours and Bobs blog. Good luck. Love, hollie

celinanilec said...

hey hot mamma! nice bump! we think the baby will come on the 20th (full pink moon)xx

ebeth said...

Nice show off of the tummy. Congrats on the test results and here's to a late April Taurus.

lorigirl said...

The countdown begins! I expect a call from the hospital on the 18th ;-)