Monday, April 28, 2008

5 pm Monday at the hospital

We got here at the hospital and while talking to Sue the midwife we learned that because of my asthma, prostaglandins are contraindicated. So if they induce, they'll use Pitocin and a foley bulb in the uterus right above the cervix. They pull the bulb downward and it will help my cervix dilate to 3 or 4 cm. The last time they checked it was 1.5 cm at 10 am.

I have an IV now in my left arm. At 4:15 pm they started the pitocin drip for the OCT. It is very slow and I don't feel anything yet. It is now 5 pm.

I'm laying down and Britt (doula) is about to do some relaxation with us.

1 comment:

lorigirl said...


Is this when they record the time you went into labor, or is it when you finally get contractions?

Thanks for the updates Jen! This is so much more interesting than Monday night television!