Friday, April 11, 2008

All is well

Good news! I went in for the monitoring today and I am normal. Everything's fine. The baby was active (such a good girl!) and my fluid level was back up to what it should be. Yay! It was a quick visit to L & D today, and I was such a happy woman after hearing the results. My friend Christina went with me for support, and it was great to have her there because I was nervous about the visit. Christina said that I didn't seem nervous, and that's probably because I was taking a lot of deep breaths and thinking positive thoughts. Also, I listened to one of the Hypnobirthing guided meditations this morning and that helped relax me and it got me into a positive and calm state of mind.

After the hospital visit I went to my friend Susie's house for an acupressure treatment. She is helping me to recover from the dehydrated spell, and to get my body in balance and ready for birthing in the coming weeks. Now I'm back at home and ready for resting. Resting, drinking good fluids and eating small, healthy meals. That's the plan.

Thanks for all the warm wishes and support! I feel so lucky to have the friends and family that we have in our lives.

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